Desenvolvimento de uma órtese ajustável para o tratamento da pagliocefalia posicional

Positional plagiocephaly is related to continuously support on the same infants head’s position for a constant period of time. If initiated early, reposition technics are enough to correct moderate and light skull deformation cases. Moreover, in advanced cases, it´s necessary to use a skull orthosis...

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Principais autores: Santos, Gustavo José Bernardes dos, Gobbo Júnior, Otávio
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Positional plagiocephaly is related to continuously support on the same infants head’s position for a constant period of time. If initiated early, reposition technics are enough to correct moderate and light skull deformation cases. Moreover, in advanced cases, it´s necessary to use a skull orthosis, which could correct head´s asymmetry. For Brazilian cases, this orthosis is imported by a specialized clinic with a high cost for Brazilian standards. This work has the main goal to develop an adjustable orthosis with lower cost to be used in positional plagiocephaly treatment. To achieve this goal, after research over project methodology and it´s tools, was applied this methodology which had started with informational project, through conceptual project and finished with detail and manufacture of the prototype with a 3D printer.