Ensacamento de frutos na incidência de pragas, doenças e na qualidade de pêssegos

There are many field strategies to control the main insects-pests and illnesses that happen in the peach-tree crops, that end up losing a meaningful amount of the fruit’s quality. The work had main focus on avaluating the eficience of the peaches’ bagging, aiming its protection against the main inse...

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Autor principal: Martinazzo, Eduardo Felipe
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/10693
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Resumo: There are many field strategies to control the main insects-pests and illnesses that happen in the peach-tree crops, that end up losing a meaningful amount of the fruit’s quality. The work had main focus on avaluating the eficience of the peaches’ bagging, aiming its protection against the main insects-pests and illnesses, that cause quantitative and qualitative loss on the harvest and post harvest of the fuits. The work was performed on the Teaching Unit and Fruticulture Research of UTFPR in Two Neighbors, Paraná State, Brazil, evaluating two cultivars of peach tree, being one early cycle (Bonão) and another late cycle (BR-1). Six bagging treatment were used, with the following materials: dark waxed paper, perfurated clear polyethylene, white TNT fabric, red TNT fabric, blue TNT fabric and no bagging, with four repetitions and ten fruits per experimental unit. The bagging was performed through the manual thinning of the fruits, when it reached the diameter size between 1,5 to 2,0 cm, which were kept bagged until the harvest moment. After the harvest, the fruits were evaluated at the Horticulture Lab of UTFPR-DV, with regard to the differing fruits’ fresh weight, transversal diameter, pH, level of soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity, pulp firmness, background color of the skin, incidence of rottenness and pests. The fruit fly and the oriental moth (Grapholita molesta) were monitored through all the fruits bagging period, with specified traps to the verification of its population fluctuation. There were also used meteorological data from the meteorological station of INMET/UTFPR-DV to better discuss the results. According to the achieved data, it has been observed that the bagging did not influence the physical-chemical parameters of the fruits to the bagging treatment, only to the cultivars. To the varying coloration there was not a major difference, all the fruits obtained positive values, characterizing a fruit with good level of red, yellow and lighter shades. To the protection of the fruits against attacks from insect-pests, it has been observed that the bagging is an important tool, reducing drastically the damage caused, besides observing that at Two Neighbors the biggest incidence of these pests happen as of the month of September, with a rise in the temperature and the beginning of the fruits’ ripening.