EICHEF: sistema para automação de atendimento em bares e restaurantes

In many bars and restaurants, the customer orders are made traditionally. The waiter goes to the table with pen and paper, write down the request, passes the cooks and after being all set the order is delivered to the consumer. Although this is a simple process some factors may cause discomfort to t...

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Autor principal: Alonso, Vinícius Bail
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/11842
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Resumo: In many bars and restaurants, the customer orders are made traditionally. The waiter goes to the table with pen and paper, write down the request, passes the cooks and after being all set the order is delivered to the consumer. Although this is a simple process some factors may cause discomfort to the client. As an example, an application noted wrong or it takes to arrive. With that comes the need to automate the request of customer orders in order to try to reduce human error. The prototype has the establishment consumer menu, enabling it to place your order without calling a waiter and send your order directly to the employees who will prepare it. Allowing the customer to track the preparation of your order. And after the client complete his application can assess the quality of the dishes served. In this scenario, the work of the waiter is reduced to deliver applications. Through this system, data is collected, such as dish more order and better assessed, which are subsequently dispinibilizados the manager in an attempt to assist in decision making.