Mapeamento, análise da fragilidade ambiental e proposta de área de expansão urbana na bacia hidrográfica do rio Tamanduá – pr

The urban growth associated with the natural resources exploitaition increases environmental damage which can be prevented by the environmental planning. Through this, it is able to identify environmental and social impacts and, consequently, to assist in the decision making of the public power. Thu...

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Autor principal: Berté, Gabriela Moro
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The urban growth associated with the natural resources exploitaition increases environmental damage which can be prevented by the environmental planning. Through this, it is able to identify environmental and social impacts and, consequently, to assist in the decision making of the public power. Thus, the environmental fragility methodology can be used as an auxiliar tool for planning and controlling the environment, for presenting evidences of higher environmental risks, being able to identify the natural or anthropogenic factors. Due to this fact, this study will analyse the environmental fragility in the Tamanduá River, an affluent of the Iguaçu River, which supplies a good part of the city, increasing the importance of the hydrographic basin. The methodology chosen was proposed by Ross (1994). Land use and land cover, slope and hypsometry maps were prepared, as well as environmental fragility maps. The free softwares used in this study were QGIS version 3.4.4 and Google Earth Pro. The map of potential fragility was elaborated by comparing the pedological and slope maps, which were correlated with land use and land cover data, forming a emergent fragility map. Therefore, it was possible to find out that in the urban area there are many places with high fragility, which is important for taking measures to prevent erosion and filling and thus, to guarantee soil stability. The main part of the basin was classified as of medium fragility, attention was given to springs, those were found in places where there is a predominance of intensive agriculture and consequently a high use of pesticides, which can affect water quality. Finally, it was a suggested an urban expansion area to collaborate, as a form of subsidy, with the urban environmental control of Foz do Iguaçu – PR.