Análise comparativa de viabilidade econômica de dois sistemas de produção de grãos em uma propriedade rural

Agriculture is one of the leading sectors of the Brazilian economy, given that Brazil is among the world's major grain exporters. The current scenario in this segment is marked by increased competitiveness and reduced profit margins for rural producers, especially when grown in small areas. In...

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Autor principal: Haas, Alexandre Finkler
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Agriculture is one of the leading sectors of the Brazilian economy, given that Brazil is among the world's major grain exporters. The current scenario in this segment is marked by increased competitiveness and reduced profit margins for rural producers, especially when grown in small areas. In this context, property management is an essential factor for the survival and prosperity of small producers who face this reality in the geo-economics region of São Miguel do Iguaçu - PR. The objective of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of economic viability between two production systems of grains; with the use of own machinery or with the use of outsourced service. The study covers the stages of soil preparation, planting and cultural treatments performed; the harvest is not inserted. The data for both systems were collected through sales reports, tax notes, semi-structured interviews and market research. As a result, the cash flow was prepared and the investment analysis methods applied net present value and equivalent annual equivalent value were applied. The results showed that producing with own machines is the best alternative for the farmer, generating annual revenue equivalent to R$ 56,327.33. This system also provides greater autonomy to carry out the activities and possibility of obtaining extra income with the provision of services.