Comparativo de viabilidade econômica entre o uso de painéis fotovoltaicos e biodigestores

As hydroelectric plants during a deployment cause major environmental impacts, Brazil has been experiencing an economic crisis in recent years, which have a very high cost to the end consumer, in view of all these factors that were needed, further studies, possibilities of generating clean and cheap...

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Principais autores: Costa, Alan, Cangussú, Cláudio Gabriel Pereira
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: As hydroelectric plants during a deployment cause major environmental impacts, Brazil has been experiencing an economic crisis in recent years, which have a very high cost to the end consumer, in view of all these factors that were needed, further studies, possibilities of generating clean and cheaper energy after its implementation, Brazil is a country abundant in untapped resources, which can be transformed into a source of energy, among which the main ones can be mentioned in solar energy from photovoltaic plates, the biodigestors and the advanced energy of the wind source. The work presented here was intended to perform, a verification on the cost and benefit of deployment, renewable energy in rural property, make a data survey, conduct field research and bibliographical studies. Create a minimum attractiveness rate of 3.85% per year and over 10 years, get the NPV values (-R $ 20,446.08; R $ 33,687.00), IRR (-5,2031%; 11, 9928%), Discounted Payback (20,700 years; 7,483 years) and CAE (R $ 2,502.03; -R $ 4,122.35), solar panels and biodigesters, note whether solar panels are economically unviable over this period and biodigesters are economically viable.