Proposta de substituição de elementos fletidos de madeira por um material composto de bambu e madeira revestidos com embalagens PET

This paper discusses a study that seeks new opportunities for materials to use in construction that meet the expectations regarding the theme sustainability. The main objective of the study will be the replacement of timber purlins, which is a structural element of the roofing system composed by pur...

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Principais autores: Montagna, Evelin Luani, Santos, Shayane Betiatto dos
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This paper discusses a study that seeks new opportunities for materials to use in construction that meet the expectations regarding the theme sustainability. The main objective of the study will be the replacement of timber purlins, which is a structural element of the roofing system composed by purlins wood and bamboo and coated with PET. For this propose an analysis of the wood specimens and the compound (wood/bamboo/PET) were made through bending tests, specific gravity tests and bulk density tests. As there are no standards in Brazil to study the bamboo was used to NBR7190:1997, adapting it when necessary. The importance of this work is justified by the necessity of investigating and proving the efficiency of alternative materials that can minimize the impacts caused by today’s traditional methods and still provide a safe and economical construction. The results were satisfactory, as the tested compound bodies have resistance values that are suitable for such replacement and also have a lower weight than the traditional purlins.