Análise do desempenho de treliças planas e barras de aço em substituição as vergas de alvenarias

Lintels and up lintels are used in conventional masonry fencing system, and these beams reinforced concrete to thicken the openings of doorways and windows. In these openings occurs the biggest stress concentration, especially in the central part of the gap. In replacement of those, a system of two...

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Autor principal: Gasperin, Thaís
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Lintels and up lintels are used in conventional masonry fencing system, and these beams reinforced concrete to thicken the openings of doorways and windows. In these openings occurs the biggest stress concentration, especially in the central part of the gap. In replacement of those, a system of two horizontal steel bars is used to settle the joints. Another system recently appointed is the use of flat steel trusses. Although these solutions are not standardized as the first, are increasingly used in construction for ease of application with consequent savings of time. So, experimental tests were performed on three different prototypes that simulate the opening of the brickwork: the first built without reinforcement, the second using steel bars and the third using flat steel trusses in horizontal joint settlement, aiming at analyzing the performance and the doings of these potential solutions.