Reforço de vigas de concreto armado sujeitas a flexão com compósitos de fibra de carbono: estudo de caso bloco S da UTFPR-PB

The need of structural reinforcement in a reinforced concrete structure may come from many requirements, as design and/or execution flaws, the lack of correct maintenance in the structure, or even loads that are different from those that were designed. For the reinforcement process, diverse techniqu...

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Principais autores: Drun, Anderson Gobbi, Faversani, Luani Cristini Basso
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The need of structural reinforcement in a reinforced concrete structure may come from many requirements, as design and/or execution flaws, the lack of correct maintenance in the structure, or even loads that are different from those that were designed. For the reinforcement process, diverse techniques and materials may be used: the addition of steel bars, or even metal sheets and profiles, reinforcement through external prestressing, or yet high performance concretes. The current work presents a reinforcement plan for an existing edification, which unfolded structural issues after being subjected to a higher load than the one designed. Currently, such structure received reinforcement through steel profiles in many of its beams that presented excessive deformation. The developed design in this work came with the goal of proposing a new reinforcement with another type of material, the carbon fiber structured composite. In order to determine the acting loads in the structure with the new loading, it was designed the structure in the software CAD/TQS. With all required information collected, it was made the choice of four specific beams, which presented structural damage, to proceed with the structure dimensioning and finally determine the effective carbon fiber area needed to resist the excessive load.