O narrador-leitor e o papel da memória em A misteriosa chama da Rainha Loana

This work presents a bibliographical research done on the literary theory area, and has as an objective to broach about the issue of the narrator-reader and the role of the memory inside the novel The mysterious flame of Queen Loana (2004) by Umberto Eco. It also discusses, the concepts around the r...

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Autor principal: Goulart, Carolina Suzana de Lima
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/14734
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Resumo: This work presents a bibliographical research done on the literary theory area, and has as an objective to broach about the issue of the narrator-reader and the role of the memory inside the novel The mysterious flame of Queen Loana (2004) by Umberto Eco. It also discusses, the concepts around the relation between literature and society, and about the role that the reader performs on contemporaneity, as well as analyses such concepts inside the novel in focus, which serves as an example to other analogies on this study area. As a conclusion, it makes us realize the representation of the metaphor presented on the novel by Eco that illustrates the issues mentioned, helping, therefore, on its comprehension. Furthermore, it brings, as a result, a panorama that reinforces the ideas about the intimate relation between literature and society, and thus a contribution of this work to the study of literary manifestations on contemporaneity.