A criação poética nos poemas de Manoel de Barros

Manoel de Barros' contemporary style demonstrates the deconstruction of linguistic concepts imposed in the words and, that through a poetic with children's characteristics, the poet attributes value to the simple of daily life. Therefore, to understand the poet's poetry is to think ab...

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Autor principal: Fellini, Alexandre
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/14802
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Resumo: Manoel de Barros' contemporary style demonstrates the deconstruction of linguistic concepts imposed in the words and, that through a poetic with children's characteristics, the poet attributes value to the simple of daily life. Therefore, to understand the poet's poetry is to think about the contemporary man and about the beauty of the insignificance of life and things, as well as it is to learn through metapoetic resource what is the process of poetic construction. For this reason, based on seven poems found in the books Poemas Rupestres (2006), O Livro das Ignorãças (2008) and Meu Quintal é Maior que o Mundo (2015) this research aims to explain how poetry becomes a mixture of language with other iconographic elements, since we comprehend the image as a founding element of the poem, together with language and figures of speech. Furthermore, there is also the desire to reflect about the importance of the poetic persona, or the speaker. Consequently, we identify as main theoreticians Alfredo Bosi (1977), Massaud Moisés (1997), Roman Jakobson (2004, 2010), Neusa Sorrenti (2007), Décio Pignatari (1989), Fernando Paixão (1987), among others. As a result, it was perceived that the images created through the poems become more expressive than the poems themselves. In addition, we evaluated that the poem is an attempt to contemplate the image that is produced through words and thus, throughout the poem.