Projeto e execução de um laminador de bancada para materiais não ferrosos

Over the years, more and more metals are becoming more important in modern technology when it comes to an easier conformation, in formats that we need to use in our day to day. This paper deals with lamination: the plastic deformation of the material, that is a mechanical transformation where the re...

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Principais autores: Anunciação Junior, Adenauer, Badia, Edimar
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Over the years, more and more metals are becoming more important in modern technology when it comes to an easier conformation, in formats that we need to use in our day to day. This paper deals with lamination: the plastic deformation of the material, that is a mechanical transformation where the reduction of the cross section by compression of the metal occurs. The present paper presents the design and production of a non-ferrous bench laminator for the lamination of flat products. This paper makes it interesting for mechanical engineering students to have a better knowledge of laminating tests, and so they can execute in practice what they have learned in the classroom.