Avaliação da perda auditiva induzida por ruído - PAIR em uma indústria de manufatura mecânica

The NIHL disease, or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, when diagnosed, is not reversible. In some work stations, several activies of workers, in companies or industries, inducing NIHL. So, continuous prevention programs are policed for accomplish NR 15 regulatory standardization, about noise environment,...

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Autor principal: Faria, Rubens Alexandre de
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/17489
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Resumo: The NIHL disease, or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, when diagnosed, is not reversible. In some work stations, several activies of workers, in companies or industries, inducing NIHL. So, continuous prevention programs are policed for accomplish NR 15 regulatory standardization, about noise environment, added Individual Protection Equipment (IPE) for the workers, as hearing protection. However, the NIHL involved, when this worker are genetic predisposition physiological problems, as well external activities beyond of the work place inducing increment of problem. In this paper will show a real NIHL case applied in a mechanical industry at Curitiba - PR. This study was in 2015, when this industry implanted an occupational health plan to manage annually 322 workers, about job duties and then work stations, that aqquired evolution in NIHL. Was follow a protocol to rank this situation, monitoring clinical exams, as audiometry and clinical history, sorting the NIHL cases aquired outside the industry. This occupational health program is been maintained and show a diaginosis to monitoring all functions into the workstations that need more attenption and care.