Verificação das condições de acessibilidade em terminal de transporte coletivo de Curitiba

This monograph presents definitions and concepts of what is social inclusion, the importance of accessibility, urban infrastructure without barriers, presents questionnaires of other authors with special needs as a basis for a study on accessibility. By decree in 5296/2004, all urban mobility infras...

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Autor principal: Franck, Égon Zatelli
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This monograph presents definitions and concepts of what is social inclusion, the importance of accessibility, urban infrastructure without barriers, presents questionnaires of other authors with special needs as a basis for a study on accessibility. By decree in 5296/2004, all urban mobility infrastructure must be provided accessible until the end of 2014 so have the object determine whether the Brazilian standard NBR 9050 (2015) is being followed in public transport terminal Pinheirinho in Curitiba, showing that the people with special needs are actually being able to make use of public transport. It was found a few general items that provide affordable conditions to come and go, were or not according to the standard of accessibility, it was concluded that the Pinheirinho terminal partially meets most of the checked items, especially on essential items such as platforms, ramps and toilets adapted and presented disabilities in emergency signaling items.