Segurança do trabalho na construção civil: Um estudo de caso

The high interest of investing in work safety in construction works motivate this study that followed the activities of mason in an engineering company in two working fronts: building a commercial shed and implementation of New Jersey Barrier in highway. This case study investigated about the relati...

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Autor principal: Machado, Daniela Bastian
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The high interest of investing in work safety in construction works motivate this study that followed the activities of mason in an engineering company in two working fronts: building a commercial shed and implementation of New Jersey Barrier in highway. This case study investigated about the relationship between a work accidents occurrence and their reason, taking the features relating this activities and the environments in wich are held, as well as those concerned to the professional work. The methodology used was a Preliminary Analysis of Risk Survey about the dangers and risks that the worker is exposed in several steps in the process of different work fronts analyzed. The results concearned about accidents occurrence in relevant degree is considerably higher in Construction (6%) than in New Jersey Barriers execution (4%) , while the liability about the occurrence in relevant degree bring results for both that shows the environment as main cause (approximately 67% in civil construction and 100 % in New Jersey barrier). The results confirm the recommendations in literature, indicating that a safety management must be done involving from senior management until workers.