Análise dos indicadores de gestão da equipe de médicos da família através das metodologias de dados longitudinais e confiabilidade humana

The purpose of this work is to help managers of family health teams, which are usually composed of physicians trained in Family Medicine and Community inexperienced and Medical Clinic, through key indicators to assess the main features of a family doctor. For this validated two indicators, resolutio...

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Autor principal: Forbellone, Andressa Avandaño Forbellone
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The purpose of this work is to help managers of family health teams, which are usually composed of physicians trained in Family Medicine and Community inexperienced and Medical Clinic, through key indicators to assess the main features of a family doctor. For this validated two indicators, resolution (% of visits to the doctor that does not forward to another specialist) and the average number of tests (laboratory and imaging) for consultation. Once validated and the validation process, the manager showed the monthly indicator and pointing errors or defects of each physicians, so there is an apparent growth among the indicators of before and after. To verify that this growth is statistically significant and model the data in order to find the limit of the indicators in each subgroup (specialized in Clinical and Family Medicine and Community), forecast indicators for a few months and see if the clinic would get near or exceed the family physicians in the indicators. Longitudinal data was used to establish whether there are significant differences between subgroups and time, and model data. Also picked up the growth model of human reliability by being more flexible so it is supposed to have more accuracy in modeling. For the longitudinal data analysis was used the R software and for the human reliability growth the ReliaSoft RGA software. In the analysis, it was found that there are significant differences between the subgroups, time and interaction between the two, for both indicators. In modeling was used both types of analysis and in the longitudinal data the error in prediction are 2 times of the human reliability. Also was analyzed the annual cost to the patient that was taken care by the group of family physicians and those who are not (called specialists), and it was noticed that there is a significant difference between the two and the annual cost of the patients that were cared by specialists is on average 2 times higher.