Uma breve reflexão acerca da escrita ao longo do ensino fundamental

This paper to make a brief reflection about writing in elementary school. Approaching literacy methods and strategies used in the country. It discusses the efficacy of those who introduce to children only the memorization of a code and those who see the interactional and discursive dimension of t...

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Autor principal: Coelho, Adriana Rocha
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This paper to make a brief reflection about writing in elementary school. Approaching literacy methods and strategies used in the country. It discusses the efficacy of those who introduce to children only the memorization of a code and those who see the interactional and discursive dimension of the language and, therefore, expose to children the language practices related to interaction and authorship of written texts, through situations of effective production of texts belonging to genres that circulate in society. It presents some suggestions to improve the teaching of text production, after develop alphabetic writing, as throughout elementary school. Many students have been advancing in elementary education without acquire fundamental skills and abilities to use meaningful language, often because they have not witnessed the use of writing in the most varied contexts, either because they have not been exposed to the diversity of written texts, or even because they have not learned to deal with the real issues that writing presents in the most varied situations. This paper, of bibliographical character and documental, has verified that the teaching of language from a socio-interactionist perspective, portrayed in the studies of Antunes (2003), Ferreiro (1999), Leal e Brandão (2007), Lopes-Rossi (2009), Marcuschi (2011), Morais (2012), among others, and suggested by the National Curricular Parameters (1997), has been proved effective for the teaching of language, as it considers the students previous knowledge, recognizes the language as a cultural, historical and social phenomenon, as a constructor of the students' identities and of the community to which they belong.