Negociação: ênfase no processo de compras na construção civil

Considering that negotiations are present in all aspects of human relationships and that the knowledge of the main aspects of negotiations can make a significant personal and professional difference, the present study’s objective was to understand the main aspects of the negotiation process. These m...

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Autor principal: Andrade, Pedro Isaque
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Considering that negotiations are present in all aspects of human relationships and that the knowledge of the main aspects of negotiations can make a significant personal and professional difference, the present study’s objective was to understand the main aspects of the negotiation process. These main aspects are: the types of negotiations; their stages; their variables; and the skills of a good negotiator; in addition to ethics among others. The study also sought to identify how the negotiation process is carried out by professionals who handle deals related to the acquiring of a supply of construction works in large companies operating in Curitiba - PR. The aspects of the negotiations were identified through bibliographic review. However, the way in which these professionals carried out their negotiations was assessed by means of a questionnaire answered by them. As a result, there was a good correlation between the theory proposed by the authors of the study and the practice of the sector, as well as some specific aspects inherent in these negotiations and also the correlation between the bibliographies researched.