Mapeamento e avaliação do processo de pós-venda de uma empresa start-up de produtos para café

This research presents a case study of a startup of coffee products. At the time of the research the only product offered by the company was a coffee kit that contained a manual espresso coffee machine and accessories. The main objective of this work is, through an online questionnaire, to identify...

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Autor principal: Soares, Rodrigo Andrey Agner
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This research presents a case study of a startup of coffee products. At the time of the research the only product offered by the company was a coffee kit that contained a manual espresso coffee machine and accessories. The main objective of this work is, through an online questionnaire, to identify the degree of customer satisfaction in relation to the service provided so that, with the answers obtained, new consumer service practices are proposed. The methodology of this research followed two stages, first the literature review followed by the case study. The literature review provided the theoretical basis of the research. The second stage was focused on the development of the questionnaire, application and analysis of the answers obtained. The questionnaire was sent to one hundred clients and a third answered. The research contained twenty questions ranging from multiple choice, check box, linear scale, and comment. The result of this research was to better understand the importance of After-Sales within the Integrated Development Product and the new practices proposed for the startup to improve the relationship with the customer.