Marketing mix para produtos eróticos e sensuais em Curitiba - PR

This study presents an insight on sensual and erotic products business, in the city of Curitiba, observing cultural aspects from the city, including prejudice and taboo caused by the erotic business. The lack of available material about the sale of erotic products as a kind of business makes this di...

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Autor principal: Santos, Gerson Luis dos
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This study presents an insight on sensual and erotic products business, in the city of Curitiba, observing cultural aspects from the city, including prejudice and taboo caused by the erotic business. The lack of available material about the sale of erotic products as a kind of business makes this discussion very unique. The study shows a professional management and focused on the clients, without the use of appellative content, and the enterprise shows its concept without the vulgarity that rules this market. Using the available literature as basis to support this research and this way delineating some of the reasons for sex marginalization, also bringing an approach on the profiling of people from Curitiba, exposing the participating people on the city’s formation, and an overview about marketing concepts related to the consumers relationships and observing their wishes and needs, going trough public segmentation orientation until getting to compound marketing and marketing mix concepts, also presenting the most used tool, best known as the 4 P’s, which consists on four variables product, price, place and promotion and with this tool it is possible to analyze this market. For the achievement of this work it was necessary a main objective which consists on describing the marketing mix on the Sex Boutique business in Curitiba. The methodology used on this study, involved the application of surveys with the sales team, and these surveys were divided into two levels, one for the managers from each store and the other for the salesmen, and to fill in the research the sales internal reports were analyzed to check the numbers that involve the company’s management related to it’s mix of products. The outcome of this research reveals the enterprise’s current situation, which products are most sold in each store from the group and also in Curitiba and how the costumers are sectioned according to their shopping preferences, also the average amount spent and the quantity of items on each purchase, the payment method, presenting the rivals position in physical and virtual stores, mentioning factors to the achievement of a sale and at last presenting the means of communication used by the enterprise and the necessary care to expose the brand and the products.