Controle de estoques: estudo de caso em uma cerealista localizada no sudoeste do Paraná

This study aimed to identify the main reasons that cause distortions between the book stock and the stock of tax Cerealista X, located in the southwest of Paraná. First it was investigated as being held inventory control, production, storage, types of products, volume, storage capacity. It was found...

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Autor principal: Sangaletti, Giselle Dias
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This study aimed to identify the main reasons that cause distortions between the book stock and the stock of tax Cerealista X, located in the southwest of Paraná. First it was investigated as being held inventory control, production, storage, types of products, volume, storage capacity. It was found that the company uses three types of information systems to perform inventory control where one helps the other to get a more accurate control of their inventory where their food is made at the entrance or exit of goods. With so much information to be used daily to Cerealista requires skilled and committed employees with the company. It has been observed that many employees have no training or knowledge of how to perform the tasks assigned to the appointed result is correct for management decision making. Given that the company needs to adapt in order to continue trading with the companies the government needs to make some improvements in certain parts of the company and her personal, structural and processes such as receiving, sorting, storage, cleaning and precleaning, avoiding so losses and disorders at the time of marketing.