Comparação das ferramentas da qualidade em duas indústrias brasileiras

Quality and its tools is an improvement mechanism that is being used by almost all companies in the world, that aim to stay and grow in an extremely competitive market. To achieve its objectives, the implementation of Quality Management needs to be well done and the tools demonstrate their efficienc...

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Autor principal: Costa, Luiz Gustavo Garbosa
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: Quality and its tools is an improvement mechanism that is being used by almost all companies in the world, that aim to stay and grow in an extremely competitive market. To achieve its objectives, the implementation of Quality Management needs to be well done and the tools demonstrate their efficiencies in the situations that are placed. Therefore, some case studies carried out in companies can help to prove the effectiveness of the tools, such as the Missiato beverage company and the Green Coco Waste. Thus, it is clarified that the efficiency of the tool is in agreement with the situation that it is tested, if its characteristics match the conditions of the problem, which will result in positive responses.