Gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos da construção civil (RCCs): estudo de caso em duas obras residenciais em Jesuítas - PR

Civil construction is one of the fastest growing sectors and also produces waste, which translates as one of the main problems the environmental impacts caused by discarded materials, as well as waste, incorrect segregation, lack of recycling and reuse. Finally, contributing to increase the quantity...

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Autor principal: Silva, Tatiana Martins da
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
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Resumo: Civil construction is one of the fastest growing sectors and also produces waste, which translates as one of the main problems the environmental impacts caused by discarded materials, as well as waste, incorrect segregation, lack of recycling and reuse. Finally, contributing to increase the quantity of these wastes, reducing the life of landfills, changing the landscape, and it is therefore necessary to apply a Project for the Management of Civil Construction Waste within the construction sites. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the management of Solid Waste of Civil Construction in the municipality of Jesuítas - PR. Two projects were monitored throughout the construction process, the first one presented in its development the Waste of Civil Construction, Management Project. The monitoring consisted of weekly visits to quantify the waste produced and the verification of nonconformities and subsequent notification in an Action Plan. This plan consisted of a description of the problem and action to be taken to solve it. With the quantification, it was possible to observe that Project 1, in which it presented the management project, presented the volume about 1.6 times smaller than that of the waste produced in Project 2. While the Action Plan identified that several nonconformities occurred, they: mixture of waste, and scattered materials. Actions were required, such as: training of employees and places for packaging, in order to solve such problems. It is highlighted that the mixture of materials was one of the most recurrent problems, found in the present work. In this way, it was possible to perceive that the implementation and monitoring of the Waste of Civil Construction, Management Project are of great importance for reducing the production of waste within the construction site, and this minimizes the environmental impacts generated by these materials.