O uso dos softwares de comunicação para a aprendizagem de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

This study deals with the use of Communication Software for the learning of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the early years of elementary school. It includes general characteristics of children with ASD and their learning with a focus on the importance of pedagogical mediation and...

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Autor principal: Belitzki, Vanderléia Luciani de Souza
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/24302
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Resumo: This study deals with the use of Communication Software for the learning of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the early years of elementary school. It includes general characteristics of children with ASD and their learning with a focus on the importance of pedagogical mediation and the use of technological resources in this process. Interest arose from the observation and practice of the author of this research, working in the Specialized Educational Service (AEE), in the city of Curitiba, who found difficulties regarding teaching for the learning of children with ASD in this context and regarding the use of technological resources that favor pedagogical mediation with these students. Then considering the problem, the relevance of this investigation and the reasoning that supports such data, the question arises: how the use of communication software can contribute to the learning of children with ASD in the early years of Elementary School. Research in this area is essential, as the learning of children with ASD has become a challenge for teachers, support professionals, specialized teachers and the entire school community. It aims to investigate the factors related to the guiding question. To support the research, the theoretical framework was based on authors who deal with the advent of these technologies in education, assistive technology, the learning of children with ASD in this age group, such as Kenski (2012), Bersch (2017), Cortelazzo (2019), Fonseca (2016), Leon (2016) and Cunha (2015), with the support of documents that regulate special education in Brazil and the assistance to students with ASD. This is a study developed from an exploratory approach whose Methodological procedures characterize the bibliographic research, complemented by the documentary, based on examples, reported in presentations of works at events in the TEA area. The survey of the texts and their selection were made based on criteria such as: dialogue with the theme of this study and its descriptors, year of publication and focus on each text. The results expected from this research were achieved according to the proposed objectives. The analysis was phenomenological based on what emerged from the investigated text.