Análise dos parâmetros de resistência, absorção e slump do concreto com o uso de aditivo impermeabilizante/plastificante

Chemical additives are being increasingly used to improve some concrete properties. This paper objectives understood the interference of two types of additives in the cementitious mixture, a waterproofing agent and a plasticizer, of common use. The added chemical additives are products that modify t...

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Autor principal: Reis Junior, Walter Roldi dos
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
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Resumo: Chemical additives are being increasingly used to improve some concrete properties. This paper objectives understood the interference of two types of additives in the cementitious mixture, a waterproofing agent and a plasticizer, of common use. The added chemical additives are products that modify their physical and mechanical properties, offering improvements in concrete performance. Such additives alter, both in the fresh and in the hardened state, such as: strength, slump and water absorption. They are used to minimize deficiencies and optimize some concrete caracteristcs. In order to evaluate the results concerning the resistance and the absorption, eight cylindrical specimens were submitted to compression and absorption tests in aqueous solution of lime. The reduction was obtained through the composition in the fresh state. Could be noticed the direct influence of the plasticizer additive on the resistance and slump test of the concrete. However, the waterproofing additive did not generate changes in the compressive strength, only in water absorption, as expected.