Desempenho de progênies F2 de feijão em sistema de produção orgânico

Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are known worldwide for their importance in agriculture and world food security, are affordable, very nutritious and have low production costs. In Paraná, the largest bean producing state in Brazil, and in many other states, beans are grown mainly by family farme...

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Autor principal: Beltrame, Vinicius Nivaldo
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2021
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Resumo: Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are known worldwide for their importance in agriculture and world food security, are affordable, very nutritious and have low production costs. In Paraná, the largest bean producing state in Brazil, and in many other states, beans are grown mainly by family farmers with low or medium technology. The organic agriculture sector still lacks new technologies, especially in the case of beans where there are no cultivars that are developed specifically for the system, and which have good resistance to diseases and pests together with a high production capacity. The cultivars used are developed under a conventional system with completely different plant dynamics and response. In the search to develop cultivars adapted to the organic production system, the performance of two progenies, from two different crosses, were tested at UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, being C1 - (IAC Milênio x ANfc9), and C2 - (BRS Esplendor x IAC Imperador ). 104 individual plants from each crossing were evaluated, evaluating yield components, cycle data, habit, presence or absence of guide and incidence of disease. For the yield components, T tests were performed at 5 and 1% probability, values of means, variances and standard deviation and compared with the parents. For diseases and cycle, frequency distribution histograms and the Kruskall-Wallis test using the Bonferroni method were performed, the phenotypic correlation coefficient was also performed, with the Spearman correlation of the data. The results obtained showed that the progenies had a performance, mostly, superior or equal to their parents in the performance components, with C1 with better performance standing out, for diseases C1 also stood out, had less incidence of Anthracnose and Spot -Angular, for CBC there was no significant difference, both crosses showed good variability. For the cycle, C2 presented more individuals with an earlier cycle. Significant and positive correlations of strong magnitude were found between the characters NLP and MGP, and also between NGPL and MGP, in the two crosses. The C1 (IAC Milênio x ANfc9) is promising, gaining prominence in most of the parameters evaluated for advancing generations and obtaining a new cultivar in an organic production system.