Influência da substituição do agregado miúdo natural por resíduo de cerâmica vermelha na produção de argamassas para revestimento

In order to mitigate environmental impacts generated both by the ceramic industry and by civil construction, the present work aims to analyze the technical feasibility of using ceramic waste as an alternative material for the production of coating mortars. Therefore, the methodology of this work was...

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Autor principal: Furtado, Gabriela Becker
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: In order to mitigate environmental impacts generated both by the ceramic industry and by civil construction, the present work aims to analyze the technical feasibility of using ceramic waste as an alternative material for the production of coating mortars. Therefore, the methodology of this work was developed by producing coating mortars with the replacement of natural fine aggregate by red ceramic waste in the proportions of 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% of fine aggregate, evaluating its performance in the fresh and hardened state of the mortars. In the fresh state, the replacements reduced the spreading and the mass density of the mortars, as shown in the tests. In the hardened state, on the other hand, the substitutions of 50% and 100% positively influenced both the compressive strength and the flexural tensile strength, increasing significantly, by statistical analysis, in comparison with the reference mortars.