Influência dos aspectos geométricos das barras de aço no fator de concentração de tensão

Steel reinforcement bars (rebars) have ribs to allow good adhesion between steel and concrete. However, the transition radius between the free surface and the transverse rib of the bars is an area of geometric discontinuity that leads to an increase in local stresses and can affect the performance o...

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Autor principal: Alves, Maiara Natiele
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: Steel reinforcement bars (rebars) have ribs to allow good adhesion between steel and concrete. However, the transition radius between the free surface and the transverse rib of the bars is an area of geometric discontinuity that leads to an increase in local stresses and can affect the performance of these bars in the structure. This increase in stresses is quantified by a stress concentration factor Kt. In this work, a three-dimensional model of the rebar was created using the FreeCAD software, to perform a parametric study and determine the Kt using the Finite Element Method. With that, it was possible to identify the maximum values of voltage concentration, the size of the peak zones and the influence of each analyzed parameter. It was found that the size of the radius and the width of the rib influence more than 10% in the values of Kt,máx and the size of the peak zones, since the height of the rib and the diameter of the bar practically do not interfere in Kt,máx.