A viabilidade do método construtivo Insulated Concrete Forms na cidade de Pato Pranco - PR

This project has as objective the comparative study between the Reinforced Concrete construction method with Insulated Concrete Forms, to verify the feasibility of its implementation in the construction of single-family homes in Pato Branco - PR. To achieve the expected result, the technical and eco...

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Principais autores: Beal, Diogo Ernesto, Sousa, Mateus Padua
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/27544
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Resumo: This project has as objective the comparative study between the Reinforced Concrete construction method with Insulated Concrete Forms, to verify the feasibility of its implementation in the construction of single-family homes in Pato Branco - PR. To achieve the expected result, the technical and economic viability of the methods was compared, such as term, sustainability, thermal performance and budget, in order to propose a new sustainable construction strategy for popular standard constructions. This study is importante for professionals and academics of civil engineering, listing the advantages and disadvantages of the method with forms of EPS, encouraging a possible increase in demand for the use of this system and advancement of technologies and construction techniques for the field.