Os impactos da expansão urbana das áreas conurbadas de Londrina e Maringá na cobertura e fragmentação florestal

This research aimed to quantify the area and intensity of land use and land cover change in a 34-year historical series for two cities located in southern Brazil with included conurbation areas and to determine which city conserved more forest cover area per km². For this, the Intensity Analysis imp...

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Autor principal: Veloza, Carolina Correia
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/27627
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Resumo: This research aimed to quantify the area and intensity of land use and land cover change in a 34-year historical series for two cities located in southern Brazil with included conurbation areas and to determine which city conserved more forest cover area per km². For this, the Intensity Analysis implemented as an OpenLand package in the R software was applied to land use and land cover maps of the MapBiomas Project. The intensity analysis detailed the changes in three levels: Interval, category and transition. The result shows that the largest areas throughout the series belong to Agriculture, Urban Infrastructure and Pasture, for both target cities, where these were responsible for the main changes, being only Urban Infrastructure with net gains, of these mentioned classes. At the interval level, the biggest intensity of change occurred for the city of Londrina; At the category level, the highest gain and loss intensities were Other Non-Vegetated Areas, which was stationary in both target cities, and Planted Forest. At the transition level, for both target cities, the biggest loss of Forest Formation occurred in 1985 to 1990 and was for Pasture in terms of area, however, the biggest loss intensity was Planted Forest, where for Londrina the biggest intensity of loss occurred from 1995 to 2000 while in Maringá it occurred from 2010 to 2015. Londrina presented systematic transitions in 15 moments out of 19, while Maringá presented in 16 moments out of 17. Finally, it was concluded that the city of Maringá is the most sustainable in terms of conservation of forest cover area per km². The protection of forest cover lands and agricultural lands was recommended for the protection of ecosystem services and food security, through an intermunicipal plan for conurbations.