Um incêndio diante do banal: percurso ensaístico no jogo compositivo de Matteo perdeu o emprego de Gonçalo Tavares

The work is a literary and reflective invitation to stroll through the novel of Gonçalo M. Tavares, ‘Matteo Lost His Job’ (Matteo perdeu o emprego). The reflection establishes discussions about fictionality and performativity in contemporary narrative composition. The deliberation couples theoretica...

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Autor principal: Dominoni, Thiago
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: The work is a literary and reflective invitation to stroll through the novel of Gonçalo M. Tavares, ‘Matteo Lost His Job’ (Matteo perdeu o emprego). The reflection establishes discussions about fictionality and performativity in contemporary narrative composition. The deliberation couples theoretical contributions between literature and performativity. This investigative path proposes a view of research through a cartographic method, a procedural and affective construction that links research to an act of creative composition. Finally, the study reaches its maxim stating that the use of fictionality in Tavares’ work engenders performativity in our production of subjectivity, challenging our conventions of visualizing and perceiving our reality. The narrative recreates arguments that discuss our ability to birth a struggle for our lives, existences currently subdued in a dominant, fascist regime. This regime condones the death of lives that escape the operative normativity. Therefore, the novel and this study foster the political dimension of the role of literature in our society.