Identificação e avaliação das principais manifestações patológicas em ambientes internos pós-ocupação com o auxílio da termografia infravermelha: um estudo de caso do Fórum da Comarca de Pato Branco - PR

The accelerated growth of the infrastructure in the country has revealed flaws in the stages of planning and design, choice of materials, execution and use, and maintenance that manifest themselves through pathological problems, during the useful life of buildings. These anomalies end up influencing...

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Autor principal: Oening, Rafaela Wessling
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: The accelerated growth of the infrastructure in the country has revealed flaws in the stages of planning and design, choice of materials, execution and use, and maintenance that manifest themselves through pathological problems, during the useful life of buildings. These anomalies end up influencing the performance and durability of the structure, as well as the safety and comfort provided to users. With this, the repair, recovery and maintenance industry had an increase in demand, to understand the effects, causes, origins, mechanisms of occurrence, propose corrections for these manifestations and identify ways to mitigate these occurrences. This paper presents the identification and evaluation of the anomalies found in the internal linings of the Court of the Comarca of Pato Branco/PR, with the aid of thermographic camera, indicating the causes, origins and correction methods for each problem. the causes and origins of each problem were identified, and correction methods were suggested. The analysis showed that the main anomalies found were related to the presence of moisture, such as infiltration, stains and mold, and had their origins predominantly in the planning and design and use and maintenance phases, which indicates the need for greater investment in these stages. To better evaluate the data, some criteria were adopted, classifying them according to occurrence and criticality level. Thus, the criticality level of each anomaly was obtained, which allowed us to arrive at a general score that represented the criticality level of the building as a whole, classifying it as regular risk. With this information, it was concluded that despite not presenting any anomaly considered critical, if the proper corrections are not made, the degree of criticality can change, compromising even more the comfort and safety of users and prematurely decreasing the performance, durability and useful life of the building.