Proposta de moradia transitória para mulheres em situação de violência doméstica

Domestic violence is a social problem that affects a considerable portion of the population. After this action was included as a violation of human rights, several treaties were made to eradicate it, making States responsible for omission and calling for actions to minimize the problem. In Brazil th...

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Autor principal: Silva, Ana Carolyna Turra da
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: Domestic violence is a social problem that affects a considerable portion of the population. After this action was included as a violation of human rights, several treaties were made to eradicate it, making States responsible for omission and calling for actions to minimize the problem. In Brazil there is a support network for victims that has some services, such as medical and psychological care, special police stations and special courts, and in this work we will deal with one of the services of this network, which is not widely distributed in the country, the shelter homes, an important part of breaking domestic violence, shelter homes are temporary homes that aim to protect women and their children. To do this work, a bibliographical research was carried out to better understand the causes of this phenomenon, in addition to the presentation of existing data to demonstrate the impact that this act causes on society, presenting a proposal for a shelter home, analysis of possible materials and methods used, and a quote to study the feasibility of implementation.