Patologias nas lajes do bloco A da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) – câmpus Toledo: estudo de caso

This work addresses the pathological manifestations in the slabs of the second floor of the building called “Block A” of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Câmpus Toledo. The case study methodology used the survey script proposed by Sena et. al. (2020), following the guidelines of the N...

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Autor principal: Sato, Kevin Yugo
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: This work addresses the pathological manifestations in the slabs of the second floor of the building called “Block A” of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Câmpus Toledo. The case study methodology used the survey script proposed by Sena et. al. (2020), following the guidelines of the National Building Inspection Standard of IBAPE (2012) and NBR 16747/2020, which consists of a structure formed by five stages: preliminary survey, knowing the object, material guide, inspection, and data treatment. The main damages and pathologies observed in the survey were fissures and cracks. Based on the literature review, the possible causes and origins of fissures and cracks were identified, as well as a recommendation of necessary actions for the restoration of the building. According to the characteristics, the appearance of fissures and cracks can be due to overload performance or bending stress performance on slabs, with insufficient reinforcement being the possible cause. It is assumed that the origin may be due to an overload not foreseen in the project, reinforcements poorly positioned in the execution, or loads concentrated in the occupation. For the recovery of the building, it is recommended a specialized building inspection to define the most appropriate solution for the case. It was understood that the identification of the causes of pathological manifestations can lead to a better definition of the repair actions and that the knowledge of the origin presents an understanding of the consequences, which can be prevented to raise the quality in construction.