Análise das principais características dos processos judiciais na construção civil

With the population increase, the so­called real estate impulse occurs, that is, a growing demand for residential real estate, generating concomitantly an increase of real estate enterprises affected by the civil construction market. However, the competitiveness of the market is one of the factors...

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Autor principal: Pessoa, Patricia das Neves
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: With the population increase, the so­called real estate impulse occurs, that is, a growing demand for residential real estate, generating concomitantly an increase of real estate enterprises affected by the civil construction market. However, the competitiveness of the market is one of the factors that directly influence the quality of these developments, with the emergence of construction faults originating at different stages of the work. With this, there is a high rate of dissatisfaction of the clients, and consequently some of them turn into lawsuits. Therefore, the research approached the analysis of lawsuits in the city of Cascavel and Toledo, Paraná, with the purpose of identifying the main pathological manifestations in the works, their causes and other information pertinent to the analyzed lawsuits. It observed that in approximately 70% of the analyzed judicial processes, there was in certain aspects the negligence of some regulating norm, interfering negatively in the durability of the buildings. Pathological manifestations such as cracks, cracks and infiltration were present in 65% of the lawsuits, problems to which they are linked to projects and execution, from which the noncompliance with the norms results.