Indícios da modernidade em Angústia de Graciliano Ramos e Memórias do subsolo de Fiódor Dostoiévski

This thesis is a comparative analysis between the novels Anguish, by Graciliano Ramos and Notes from Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Despite the physical and temporal distance between the publications in Russia and Brazil, the comparative research is essential to understanding the modern individu...

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Autor principal: Valandro, Ana Paula
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: This thesis is a comparative analysis between the novels Anguish, by Graciliano Ramos and Notes from Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Despite the physical and temporal distance between the publications in Russia and Brazil, the comparative research is essential to understanding the modern individual. Furthermore, modernity is an indispensable phenomenon that connects the protagonists Luís da Silva and the underground man. Therefore, this research’s main objective is to identify modern aspects of the protagonists from the novels. Other objectives are (a) to collate the historical and political contexts of Russia and Brazil, such as Dostoevsky’s and Graciliano’s literary course of action in said contexts, according to Frank (2002), Coutinho (1978), and Bakhtin (2018); (b) to comprehend the development of modernity based on the studies by sociologists, specifically Zygmunt Bauman (2001), Berger and Luckmann (2012), Anthony Giddens (1991), Stuart Hall (2006), and Marshall Berman (2007); (c) to analysis the connection between the protagonists from the novels with modernity, using intertextuality parameters on the Comparative Literature field, based on theories by Carvalhal (2006), Nitrini (2010), Guillén (1994), Coutinho (2014), and Hutcheon (1991). This investigation assumes that the protagonists from Anguish and Notes from Underground have a specific connection with the configuration of the modern individual. These novels deserve a deepened literary analysis because they may reveal the impossible connection with Others in society while selfish values permeate the modern context.