Diagnóstico e perspectivas das famílias das comunidades rurais de Dois Vizinhos, PR, na ótica de suas lideranças

The market has been changing, also affecting the agricultural scenario in general. The need for high production ends up pressuring mainly small and medium producers to seek better alternatives for optimizing their rural properties. The process known as rural exodus, which despite having suffered a l...

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Autor principal: Nardi, Matheus Plucinski
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Agronomia 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/29172
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Resumo: The market has been changing, also affecting the agricultural scenario in general. The need for high production ends up pressuring mainly small and medium producers to seek better alternatives for optimizing their rural properties. The process known as rural exodus, which despite having suffered a loss of strength in this century, still affects mainly families with low purchasing and selling power in rural communities in the municipalities, such as Dois Vizinhos. This work aims to diagnose the leaders of families in rural communities in Dois Vizinhos, as well as to understand the rural production of the municipality, demonstrating which activities stand out and are of importance for its local rural development. As a methodology, it is an exploratory and descriptive study, having as primary data a questionnaire published as leaders of rural communities and bibliographies as secondary data. As a result it was found that most farmers fit the type of family farming. That there is a concentration of land in the municipality, so that most respondents have less than 10 hectares of land. The aging of the rural population, as 67% of respondents are over 50 years old. The poultry activity accompanied by a dairy cattle raising are the main ones in cattle raising due to the execution photo developed by 88% of the interviewees, demonstrating the importance of these activities for the rural and municipal economy. The activity with grains such as soy, corn, wheat and beans is also important. As credit and production cooperatives, they play an important role in the development of activities and rural producers. Most have another source of income to supplement their rural income. The use of the PRONAF program is highly popular and most of them have possibilities within the activities. The desire to increase the productivity of activities, considering that the vast majority want to invest and improve the current activity that already exists. The need for greater investments and also the availability of credit are factors that, according to the interviewees, are of paramount importance for the development of local agriculture, together with quality public policies, training and qualification of farmers, soil preservation, among others.