O homem em crise: representações de masculinidades como tecnologias de gênero em um e-book do site Papodehomem (2017)

This work aims to identify and discuss gender and sexuality presumptions that guide the representations of masculinities within the e-book As 25 maiores crises do homem (e como superá-las), first released in 2017, sold by the Brazilian website PapodeHomem, and briefly made available for free downloa...

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Autor principal: Oliveira, João Victor Gomes de
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/29179
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Resumo: This work aims to identify and discuss gender and sexuality presumptions that guide the representations of masculinities within the e-book As 25 maiores crises do homem (e como superá-las), first released in 2017, sold by the Brazilian website PapodeHomem, and briefly made available for free download in 2020. In order to do só, both gender and sexuality are here understood to be products of varied practices and discourses, setting up to be circumstantial constructions. In this framing, the statements made on the e-book are understood as technologies of gender, with actual effect on reality, contributing to constitute the subjects’ identities. The present analyses focus on narratives that deal with romantic and sexual relationships, in order to underline subjects and practices put in the limelight. Through the discussed representations, it becomes apparent that there is a construction of a normative masculine identity set through androcentric and heterocentered values, aligned to essentialist and individualistic prescriptions. These debates aim to contribute to the questioning of asymmetries and social inequalities taken as natural, emphasizing the subordination processes that produce a hierarchy between the multiple forms to characterize masculinities.