Importância do planejamento no cotidiano das famílias: um estudo bibliográfico sobre a educação financeira no ensino médio

Financial education is relevant for everyone in any income and age group, as everyone looking for stability and financial security to apply life in the way they think is most convenient. Knowing how to earn, save and invest your resources is the best way to ensure this issue. Therefore, the sooner y...

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Autor principal: Martinelli, Denise
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: Financial education is relevant for everyone in any income and age group, as everyone looking for stability and financial security to apply life in the way they think is most convenient. Knowing how to earn, save and invest your resources is the best way to ensure this issue. Therefore, the sooner you have contact with this area of knowledge, the easier it is to use it later, so teaching in schools is an excellent applicability strategy, considering High School as essential. Since they will soon be in the job market and should know how to deal with these issues to better take advantage of their gains, thus contributing to the well-being of society in general, making the economy healthy. In this context, this study, through a literature review, sought to analyze what the authors bring about the teaching of financial mathematics in high school, discussing their ideas and analyzing the preparation of mathematics teachers on the subject in the classroom. Search bases of scientific articles such as Scielo and Google Scholar were used, aiming to achieve the objective of the research, which was to analyze the relevance and use of teaching Financial Education in High School, and what its impacts on the Brazilian family budget. The conclusion of the study is that the importance of financial mathematics in high school is crucial and urgent, however, teachers are not trained for this mission in this sense. Education laws are adapting to this matter and considering this importance. In this way, the teaching of financial mathematics in high school is a matter of public utility and that needs to be faced with the prominence it has.