Avaliação de nove variedades de cana soca de primeiro ano em Dois Vizinhos, Paraná

Sugarcane stands out as an income option for family farming, as it generates a series of by-products such as cachaça, brown sugar, sweetand allows aggregating income even in a small area of land. In this context, nine varieties of sugar cane with different ripening cycles were evaluated, being thre...

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Autor principal: Szekut, Andriws Wender
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Agronomia 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/29270
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Resumo: Sugarcane stands out as an income option for family farming, as it generates a series of by-products such as cachaça, brown sugar, sweetand allows aggregating income even in a small area of land. In this context, nine varieties of sugar cane with different ripening cycles were evaluated, being three early (CTC9005; CTC9001; RB966928) three medium cycle (CTC20; CTC4; RB92579) and three late cycle (RB975201; IACSP95-5000; RB036088) in a randomized block design with four replications at the Experimental Station of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos. Early and medium cycle varieties proved to be more adaptable to the region. The varieties CTC20 and IACSP 95-5000 showed smallerstem height. CTC 9005 was the variety with the highest yield potential with 201.89 t of stalk ha-1while the IACSP 95-5000 variety was one of the least productive with 130.6 t of stalk ha-1. In addition to the higher stalk productivity, CTC 9005 also had the highest º Brix productivity, with 41.85 t ha-1. The only disadvantage of this variety is the higher lodging rate, which difficultharvesting. There was no frost in the winter of 2020. Early and medium cycle varieties allow harvesting at 300 days after harvest, showing the peak of its productive potential.