Dimensionamento de túnel de vento

The present work has as main objective to determine a methodology for the sizing of a subsonic wind tunnel of the suction type and of open circuit. The idealized method was applied for the sizing of a tunnel whose function is to use it for tests and analysis of projects present in the university UTF...

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Autor principal: Brasiliano, Gustavo Augusto da Paixão
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/29359
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Resumo: The present work has as main objective to determine a methodology for the sizing of a subsonic wind tunnel of the suction type and of open circuit. The idealized method was applied for the sizing of a tunnel whose function is to use it for tests and analysis of projects present in the university UTFPR LD, aiming at the improvement of the same. Starting from fixed dimensions, essential for the desired applications, each component of the tunnel was sized, based on specific literature for each section, obtaining equipment that meets the project demands. After sizing each component, a total system pressure drop of 56,9 Pa of system with a flow of 7,2 m³/s was obtained, used to select the necessary centrifugal fan for the application. It’s concluded that this project achieved the expected result and can be used as a basis for future works, such as: Instrumentatuin and constructin of na opentype suction wind tunnel.