Estudo de viabilidade econômica de locação de usina solar como modelo de negócio utilizando a infraestrutura da concessionária de energia elétrica

The Brazilian energy matrix presents a large dependence on hydroelectric plants and, despite being renewable sources with great productive potential in Brazil, they are subject to variations according to climate conditions. To contribute to the diversification in the matrix and attract more investme...

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Principais autores: Hausen, Leonardo, Locatelli, Vinícius
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: The Brazilian energy matrix presents a large dependence on hydroelectric plants and, despite being renewable sources with great productive potential in Brazil, they are subject to variations according to climate conditions. To contribute to the diversification in the matrix and attract more investments, the other renewable sources need to demonstrate a good productive capacity and financial return. In this context, this work aims to analyze the viability of the business model of leasing a solar plant that makes remote energy compensation through the infrastructure of the energy concessionaire COPEL. An analysis was performed to define the target consumer for this business model and the normative regulations of the sector were studied, for later execution of an actual project and budget for a solar plant in the interior of Paraná. For the simulation the PVSYST software was used, which provided the annual generation values. Next, financial analyses were done for the installation of the plant under the rules of REN 482/2012 and for the installation in 2024, applying the taxes of Law 14.300/2022. The analyses showed, at the end of its 25 years of operation, an IRR of 16,08% and a payback of 6 years and 11 months for the first condition. For the second one, the business model proved to be economically unfeasible, with a payback of 9 years and 4 months and an IRR of 11,25%, lower than the adopted opportunity cost of 13%. Therefore the low liquidity of invested capital, the long payback and possible changes in the macroeconomic scenario may indicate attractive conditions only for investors seeking long-term return, diversification and a way to promote solar PV.