Análise de viabilidade técnica para a instalação de usinas fotovoltaicas flutuantes

The generation of electricity through photovoltaic solar energy is in evidence in recent years due to its renewable characteristic. Installed power values have been on the rise in the last decade. In the national scenario and in the world, the presence of a clean energy generation system has become...

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Autor principal: Neves, Carlos Eduardo Teixeira das
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2022
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Resumo: The generation of electricity through photovoltaic solar energy is in evidence in recent years due to its renewable characteristic. Installed power values have been on the rise in the last decade. In the national scenario and in the world, the presence of a clean energy generation system has become common, such as in: houses, building facades, commercial and industrial constructions. Most of the guidelines of large international companies are adopting the use of renewable energy, as these actions positively reflect that there is a concern to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases. On the other hand, there are companies that use photovoltaic generation to reduce energy bills. The topic of photovoltaic solar energy extends various applications to the energy trading sector. The perception of the expansion of photovoltaic energy generation is observed in the volume and quantity of installations of photovoltaic systems that show expressive total values of installed power. According to the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR), the value of installed power of photovoltaic solar source, recorded in the first quarter of the year 2022 exceeds 14 GW (Gigawatt). These values represent facilities that contribute to the diversification of the country’s energy matrix. Innovations arise as technology develops as in the case of floating photovoltaic plants. One of the first installations was in 2007, in the State of California – USA, however, this type of project was not developed in the proportion of UFV Photovoltaic Plants, installed in: soils and rooftop. This type of photovoltaic generation is considered in the recent aquatic environment in Brazil. On the other hand, over a period of ten years, more than one hundred UFF (Floating Photovoltaic Plants) around the world were registered. In Brazil and in the world, UFF projects have idle areas of hydroelectric power plant reservoirs, lakes, rivers or tanks. The producer of the photovoltaic generator can complement the energy of the power plants to the hydroelectric systems; provide energy for: irrigation, urban networks and complete renewable sources for the national energy matrix. As it is considered an innovation project in Brazil, it is necessary to go into greater depth on the subject and detail the particularities of this type of installation. The result of this dissertation contributes to the understanding of several aspects on the subject and its discussions will help to develop future research, projects and aid of good practices for the understanding of floating photovoltaic plants.