Bufo & Spallanzani: uma análise intertextual, paródica e pós-moderno do romance policial como literatura de massa

The main objective of this research has been to analyze the work Bufo & Spallanzani (1991) by Rubem Fonseca. Through the studies of researchers of the police genre, such as Tzvetan Todorov (2003) and Fernanda Massi (2011), this research traced a trajectory regarding the genre, approaching its ge...

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Autor principal: Teixeira, Emanuel
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/30814
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Resumo: The main objective of this research has been to analyze the work Bufo & Spallanzani (1991) by Rubem Fonseca. Through the studies of researchers of the police genre, such as Tzvetan Todorov (2003) and Fernanda Massi (2011), this research traced a trajectory regarding the genre, approaching its genesis and updates to its contemporaneity. Considering the historical context of the publication of Bufo & Spallanzani, theoretical assumptions of theorists such as Linda Hutcheon (1991) regarding the concept of postmodernism in literature are relevant when analyzing some aspects of the novel, such as intertextuality, parody, and metafiction, which dialogue with previous literary productions and concepts, carrying out questions and reflections about this cultural and artistic sphere. In the process of analyzing such elements in the referred novel, this research seeks to highlight the depth of the work, in its various peculiarities, to understand how novels linked to the category of “mass literature” can provide complex and relevant discussions for both the academic public and the regular reader.