O assassinato de Roger Ackroyd, de Agatha Christie, e sobre os ossos dos mortos, de Olga Tokarczuk: uma análise do narrador no romance policial

This research enters the universe of detective novel, its aim is to verify the approximations between the narrators of the books O Assassinato de Roger Ackroyd ([1926] 2014), by Agatha Christie, and Sobre os Ossos dos Mortos ([2009] 2019), by Olga Tokarczuk. In this way, we present a contextualizati...

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Autor principal: Lampugnani, Gabriela
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/30821
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Resumo: This research enters the universe of detective novel, its aim is to verify the approximations between the narrators of the books O Assassinato de Roger Ackroyd ([1926] 2014), by Agatha Christie, and Sobre os Ossos dos Mortos ([2009] 2019), by Olga Tokarczuk. In this way, we present a contextualization of the classic and the contemporary detective novel, based on the ideas of Álvaro Lins (1953) and Fernanda Massi (2011), seeking elements that characterized each narrative, so that the reader could observe approximations in the stories, more specifically in the narrator. In order to achieve the goal, it was also necessary a study on the narrator. For that, we studied the theory proposed by Tzvetan Todorov (2013), who presents elements that characterize the narrator, and David Lodge (2020), who deals with the narrator-protagonist. This biographical research was important to understand the typology of the narrator. Other theorists were used as a basis to achieve the goal of the approximation between the books, thus understanding that each narrative can be told from a different point of view, which is capable of influencing the reader by the way it is narrated, but that in many moments it presents points of approximation. For this study, the protagonist-narrator became an important typology in the novels, for being able to present a perspective in which he transmits to the reader the vision of himself and of his performance in the narratives. Finally, it was possible to conclude that there are approximations between the narrators of the two books analyzed, preserving the differences between the classic and contemporary of the detective novel literary corpus.