Avaliação de riscos biomecânicos na saúde ocupacional por meio de imagens infravermelhas

This work aims to evaluate the biomechanical risks through the Thermography (infrared images) of the subjective complaints of pain, from public employees who work in a static (sitting) way in the work environment. This is an observational, transversal and qualitative study, where in the first phase...

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Autor principal: Rocha, Liege da Fonseca
Formato: Dissertação
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/3312
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Resumo: This work aims to evaluate the biomechanical risks through the Thermography (infrared images) of the subjective complaints of pain, from public employees who work in a static (sitting) way in the work environment. This is an observational, transversal and qualitative study, where in the first phase of the study, an evaluation of pain survey and the LIKS (Lilian Inês Kuhnl Scandelari) i protocol were applied, in order to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in these group of employees and that they were related to the work activity, as well as the physical examination in the second phase. In the third phase of the research, twenty participants were evaluated, with ages between 31 and 71 years, where each participant was submitted to two thermal imaging collections. Images were collected in the cervical and lumbar regions, in three periods of the workday, the first in the early morning, the second in the middle of the workday, and the third at the end of the work period. After the collection, the images were analyzed by the specific software of the thermographic equipment. All RC groups (Cervical region), RL (Lumbar region), RCC (Cervical Control Region) and RCL (Lumbar Control Region) showed increasing of temperature during the work period. These data were statistically analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis test of normality, with a reliability interval (95% IC), rejecting the null hypothesis of the correlation of the thermograms results with the subjective evaluation of EVA. In this way, each case was interpreted individually respecting its painful symptoms, bilateral symmetry and EVA (Visual Pain Scale). In the results presented 70% of the servers with lumbar pain with IMC in overweight and obesity, in the analysis of thermographic images, the question of static position, muscle overload due to poor posture causes local hyper radiation. This technique can help occupational health by providing preventive interventions, avoiding musculoskeletal complications.