Controle de localização de equipamentos hospitalares dentro de um centro cirúrgico

This paper presents the development of a RFID system to monitor the location of hospital equipment inside a surgery center. The idea came up of the need to have an efficient control over assets inside a surgery environment, as it is a constant stress place and any failure in communication can lead t...

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Autor principal: Suetomi, Guilherme Massao
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: This paper presents the development of a RFID system to monitor the location of hospital equipment inside a surgery center. The idea came up of the need to have an efficient control over assets inside a surgery environment, as it is a constant stress place and any failure in communication can lead to a disorganization of it. The development of this paper consisted in two steps, being the first one the study of the technologies and components in a RFID system. The second one was the integration of all components, the tags, the RFID reader, the Raspberry Pi, the database, and a system-user interface. For this end, the hardware was configured, a database was created, a C program was developed, and the WEB interface was built using HTML, PHP and Javascript. The results of this paper present the functionality of the system.