Comparação das medidas de segurança contra incêndio exigidas para uma edificação com boate e agência bancária segundo a CPI (2001) e o CSCIP (2015)

The fire control by humans has provided a notable progress to its kind. The problem consists when this element is used without any precaution, which can make things out of control, resulting in critical damage. Therefore, fire-fighting standards are created and constantly updated, to standardize con...

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Autor principal: Abdala, Marcel Mohamed
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: The fire control by humans has provided a notable progress to its kind. The problem consists when this element is used without any precaution, which can make things out of control, resulting in critical damage. Therefore, fire-fighting standards are created and constantly updated, to standardize construction techniques and their requirements in order to provide more security to those people who use such buildings. The purpose of this work was determine in accordance to CSCIP 2015 and the CPI 2001 the advances of the law regarding to the requirements to elaborate a fire-fighting project of a building which consists of a club and a bank agency, comparing quantity and cost. Thus, the basic concepts about fire, such as its characteristics, heat exchange, classes and extinguish methods were approached. In order to analyse this case, products catalogues, suppliers websites, fire prevention codes and visits to the Fire Station were carried out. The study has showed an increase in the number of safety measurements. In 2001 there was seven itens in the code related to the analysed buildings, while in 2015 this number is thirteen, resulting in a implementation cost rise equal to 32% of the protection system according to the new law.