Avaliação da área de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos do município de Uniflor - PR com base no Índice de Qualidade de Aterro de Resíduos (IQR)

The industrial revolution boosted the rural exodus, resulting in a rapid and uncontrolled urbanization process. The growth of cities and the improvement of human activities provided a significant increase in the generation of solid waste, which have become a major problem for public management. Cons...

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Autor principal: Amadeo, Raíssa Martins
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.utfpr.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/6939
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Resumo: The industrial revolution boosted the rural exodus, resulting in a rapid and uncontrolled urbanization process. The growth of cities and the improvement of human activities provided a significant increase in the generation of solid waste, which have become a major problem for public management. Considering that the incorrect disposal can cause environmental imbalance, contaminate water resources, soil, atmosphere, and cause damage to the environment and public health, this study aims to perform a quality diagnosis from the final disposal site of urban solid waste in the city of Uniflor- PR. The site and the city hall visitation enabled the collection of data and observation, and the document analysis for the landfill and waste management. Also it was used the Quality of Waste Landfills Index (IQR) - new proposal, developed by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB) in 2013. This tool consists of seven scoring items, as: support structure, work front, slopes and berms, top surface, environmental protection structure, other information and area characteristics. The sub-items were evaluated as adequate physical isolation, visual isolation, leachate drainage, permanent rainwater drainage and gas drainage. The sub-items were evaluated as adequate access to the front of discharges, dimensions of the work front, compaction of waste, dimensions and inclinations of slopes and berms and plant protection. The sub-items evaluated as No / Very few slurry outcrop, the presence of collectors, waste burning, occurrence of flies and odors, the presence of birds and animals and receiving unauthorized waste. The sub-items considered inadequate / insufficient were concierge, balance and surveillance, waste coating, surface leveling, uniformity of coverage, temporary storm water drainage, geotechnical monitoring. The final score of the landfill was 7.5 framing their conditions as appropriate, as grades 0-7 are classified as inadequate and 7.1 to 10 are suitable.