Perfil da gestão do negócio dos personais trainers de Curitiba/PR

There is a growing trend in the fitness industry in Brazil, where the number of gyms already passed to 20,000 in 2005, making the country was considered the one with the highest proportion of fitness gyms per capita, with more than 3,2 million customers in the gym. Among the many areas that the prof...

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Autor principal: Garcia Filho, Renato Aurelio Vidal
Formato: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)
Idioma: Português
Publicado em: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná 2020
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Resumo: There is a growing trend in the fitness industry in Brazil, where the number of gyms already passed to 20,000 in 2005, making the country was considered the one with the highest proportion of fitness gyms per capita, with more than 3,2 million customers in the gym. Among the many areas that the professional degree in Bachelor of Physical Education can act, the focus of this work is in the Personal Trainer (PT) segment. This demand opens a great opportunity and demand for the service of PTs, where people seek these for various purposes, such as quality of life, status, physical preparation, among others. The PT is increasingly invading the gyms. Thus the aim of this study was to show the current profile of the business management of the active PT in Curitiba/PR. A quantitative descriptive research, by applying a questionnaire with 282 participants, of which only 262 were accredited for research. The main findings were that in people management industry professionals are concerned to make updates and / or courses in the area, in addition to seeking to somehow an evaluation of its work with its customers. In the marketing PTs varied widely on the issues and demonstrated that require more knowledge in this area. Finally the financial management also needs further study, because of the information with poor qualities in this sector.